“In the summer, I run with my friends,” says Valory Irene, known as the Ukrainian eye-candy girl. “I usually exercise in the morning. I like to do a lot of upper-body exercises.”
We’ll see some of that upper-body training as Valory does her opening calisthenics and knee-bends. She jumps and her boobs reach enough escape velocity to almost fly out of her halter top. It’s restricting her movements and we don’t want that so Valory takes it off. So much the better for the boob watcher.
Valory next does the stepper, her tits moving in tandem with her action. Valory smiles and fixes her gaze right on you. Her inviting look is compelling.
To cool off, Valory drops her baby-blue booty shorts and dumps a bottle of cold water on her now totally naked, award-winning body. The camera shoots up from the floor, capturing Valory’s rotating hips and cupped boobs.
Valory gets down for some floor work with an unorthodox work-out tool. This is one of the best work-out videos no one will ever work out to except for perhaps doing a clean & jerk.