Busty Barbie Kelley is married to Mark, who wanted to see his wife in SCORE, something other readers have mentioned over the years but rarely followed-through on, whether it’s a wife or a girlfriend. Barbie contacted BeASCOREModel.com and our studio set it up.
We talked to Barbie and Mark individually and together.
SCORE: Did Barbie practice poses and positions either on-camera or in a mirror before visiting the SCORE building?
Mark: Barbie is a total ham! She loves the camera and it loves her. I always say that as long as there is a mirror in the room, her two favorite people are there.
SCORE: Do you go to strip clubs together or bra shop together?
Barbie: We have gone to strip clubs before but it isn’t high on our list of things to do. Most of my bra shopping is done online so not really.
SCORE: How often do you have sex?
Barbie: I am a very sexual being and enjoy sex 7 to 8 times a week.
SCORE: Do you masturbate also?
Barbie: Sometimes there is nothing better than masturbation. Getting lost in the sensation, letting my thoughts evaporate and feeling my body go to that delectable place.
SCORE: What was your kinkiest sexual encounter?
Barbie: Kinky is such a funny word. Aren’t we all kinky in our own ways? I guess the kinkiest time I have had was when my husband and I met a single guy at a sports bar. I was primed and ready for some action with a new boy. He was nice but simply not capturing my attention. That’s when I noticed a handsome young thing at the next table. Upon leaving the pub, I left the guy a note letting him know we were swingers and I was wanting to take him places he never imagined. It didn’t take 30 minutes until I had that boy at the house stripped naked and having fun!