The Royal Rack

The Royal Rack

The Royal Rack

We bow to the Royal Rack. The Duchess of Dugs. The Queen of Romanian Ta-Tas. The Countess of Cleavage. The Goddess of Gazongas. We’re talkin’ Her Majesty Joana Bliss.

SCORELAND: Please tell us about your everyday life in Romania.

Joana: I have a lot of good friends. I do a lot of spiritual things like meditation and yoga. Every day I do something like that. I enjoy it.

SCORELAND: When did your connection to spiritual life begin?

Joana: When I was 16, I was in school. I felt something good happen with me, and a very good friend of mine taught me about yoga, and I started to practice.

SCORELAND: What is your routine?

Joana: I do two hours of yoga positions and meditation a day, but if I’m busy, I just do meditation.

SCORELAND: What kind of yoga do you do?

Joana: Hatha yoga, which focuses on physical and mental strength.

SCORELAND: Have you ever practiced yoga while naked?

Joana: No, but if you are at home, you can certainly do that.

SCORELAND: Do your big breasts get in the way when you’re doing yoga?

Joana: No, not at all, which is good. I love having big breasts. I didn’t like them at first, but I love them now.

SCORELAND: Do you practice any yoga when you’re having sex?

Joana: Yes. I practice some Tantric yoga. It helps me feel the connection with the other person.

SCORELAND: How has Tantra yoga changed your sex life?

Joana: Oh, it has changed me a lot, but it’s not so easy to explain. It’s something you have to experience.

SCORELAND: Have you ever had sex with a person on the first date?

Joana: It happened one time. It wasn’t sex. It was something more than that. I can’t just have sex right away. It can’t be just sex. There has to be more of a connection.

SCORELAND: Thanks for being you, Joana.

See More of Joana Bliss at SCORELAND.COM!

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