Category Archives: Straight


Striptease, masturbation, or ask and I’ll tell ya if its a go or not, I don’t know what it is you ladies like seeing as you are all different with different needs, try me.. My hands are my strongest attribute, not to discredit anything else, I’m just that good with em Legs and ass man but all that starts with a pretty smile, and a soft voice, brains are pretty sexy too… considering its hard to find nowadays


I enjoy many different ventures. What ever I’m in the mood for at a given moment. Life, culture and sex are like a buffet…sample it. Whether you just want to come in here to just blow a little steam and laugh from a hard day’s work or you want to cum. I’m a jack of all trades; master at none. My main talents are survival & the art of fright. Turn-on’s are like moods. What may turn me or you on each given day will be different tomorrow. So what is your turn-on right now?? Be spontaneous; don’t be afraid to be yourself in here. My turn-on’s vary from moment to moment. Take a chance.